We built a trap to catch a Lucky the Leprechaun (if he dared visit our home on St. Patty's Eve.)
We crafted these three cuties into leprechaun rock stars.
And best of all, I found out that I was carrying a brand new little "leprechaun" to be formally introduced on Nov. 4th.
It was like my three (kid) leaf clover turned into four.
Perhaps it won't surprise you that we call our baby "Lucky".
Are you going to find out the sex?
No, we love a good surprise. It's one of the reasons having a pre-birth nickname runs so strong in our family?
How have you been feeling?
Great. This pregnancy has been my easiest. I take a lot more naps, but other than that life has carried on as usual. I really can't blame my lack of blogging on morning sickness.
Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?
I'd love for Rex to have a brother. My intuition has been dead wrong on ALL THREE of my kids, so I am not even trying to predict this time around.
Four kids, are you crazy?
Just kidding. No one has asked that yet. Although I wouldn't be surprised if I start getting some of those looks and comments when my condition is more obvious and my children are running through the grocery store like banshees. BTW, What's up with getting rid of your kid's carts VONS????