Did you grow up in the Cabbage Patch rage? I did. In my home of five boys and one girl we had no less than 12 dolls at the height of popularity. Even my dad got a Cabbage Patch for his birthday one year. (I guess it was a gag gift?) We LOVED those dolls and played with them all the time. We made a zip line from the boys bedroom window to our swing set. We held gymnastic meets tossing them and counting flips in the air. I even remember one birthday when I knew I'd be getting a new Cabbage Patch Doll, we staged a labor and delivery for the birth of the new doll into our family. (Now that I think of it, maybe that was a little weird.)
Marielle has heard something of these tales and asked me what happened to all the dolls. I told her I thought Grandma had saved a few in the attic as future play toys of grandkids. On our last visit to Grandma's when Ryan and I came in from our trip to the temple, the living room was littered with Cabbage Patch Dolls and clothes. About four dolls had survived and Marielle had latched on to the sole doll wearing a dress. The rest were clearly boy dolls. She proudly showed me the doll and exclaimed, "Grandma said I could keep her!" It was pretty cute to see my daughter bonding with one of my vintage toys. And you want to know what she named her? Mary.
If Grandpa got a Cabbage Patch Kid, why didn't Grandma ever get one? Mary is an appropriate name and the post was very sentimental to me. I think back to all the lines I stood in, just to get a boy with blue eyes, no pacifer, dimples, & red hair. And of course, each child had their own specific list of characteristics and I was successful in standing in enough lines to get them all exactly the doll they wanted. And you were limited to two dolls per purchase. Those were the days...
Soooo cute! I love the name ;-) We, too, have a childhood cabbage patch for my girls to play with. It's so fun!
LOVED Cabbage Patch dolls (although we ONLY had 9 at the popularity height. So unfortunate!). A couple weeks ago, I also introduced the girls to Rainbow Brite (thank you Netflix!). I love reliving the memories with them!
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