A few months ago Jenna managed to yank off Ariel's flowing red hair. I super glued it back on, but it was shortly pulled off again by a toddler who shall remain nameless (but her name rhymes with Henna). Ariel's hair is now basically a wig; it comes on and off as often as her tail. And since I am the designated hair reattach-er, it shouldn't surprise you that I was secretly relieved when the hair recently got lost . Bald Ariel was a sorry looking toy and the girls shied away from playing with her. For awhile.But they missed her and soon bald Ariel was once again swimming through our home. Bald Ariel is better than no Ariel, right? Marielle once told me that Ariel had cancer and that is why she had no hair. (Thank you, lemonade stand.)

Then one ma-gic-cal day last week, Marielle ran out of her room just giddy, "Mom! I found Ariel's hair!" Now I am back to re-attaching the "wig" 12 times a day. Why do I tell this story? Because each time I snap on the hair, I sigh and want someone to know how much I love my kids in this simple act of service that is repeated over and over and over again. I mean even Taco Bell workers get a shout out when they make Employee of the Month. Can I have the "Haven't Thrown Away the Squishy Doll Award" please?
I am so impressed! I would have made that disappear a long time ago! It's amazing the things we will do for our kids. I know putting hair back on a million times a day may not sound like a loving act to some, but I think it is a real show of how much you enjoy seeing your kids happy!
Wow - you are a saint! I make stuff disappear that requires repetitive actions on my part.
I have thought about you lately as I am battling an a 2 year old that wants to be played with all the time and I am trying to not do tv. You should write a book some day.
We was about to put your "Mother of the Year" award in the mail, but then realized that Ariel has no top on when she has on her mermaid outfit. We here at Mother/Father of the Year headquarters, expect a little bit more from our award recipients. We will be sure to pass on your wonderful accomplishment to the "Most Patient Mother of the Year" committee- we don't know anything about that department here.
We have brought back to life many a "squishy dolls" around our house! We just super glue the hair back on and it really does stay for quite awhile. We super glue heads, too, although it makes them a little more stiff. And to address the *ahem* lack of clothing issue, you are not alone. We have a nudity problem at our house too (with dolls, of course)I've thought about gluing some of the clothes on, but that takes away all of the fun of changing them. Let me know if you come up with a modesty plan!
Maybe it's time to "lose" that wig again, no? Or maybe Ariel will just decide to swim down the toilet to the ocean one day...
Plenty of "squishy dolls" in our home too, though in our case the destroyer's name rhymes with "Mashlyn." Oddly enough, that same "ah ah ah" tune is frequently heard here, and we also have super glue on hand. More and more now, though, they're into Barbie and friends, which wonderfully brings the immodesty one step closer to life-size.
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