MK, I can't tell if you're getting ready to pop into the kitchen to bake cookies with that apron on, or if you're getting ready to do an autopsy on Ryan's mangled body. Either way you'd get messy, so the apron is appropriate. :)
We met in Santa Monica, fell in love in Provo, got married in the L.A. Temple, honeymooned in Houston (for 3 years), produced offspring, and now crash in Santa Barbara. We are blessed to know our family will be together forever because of promises we made to God in the Temple on our wedding day. We live each day as best we can, striving to come unto Christ, and the result is, well, read on and you'll catch a a glimpse into our happiness.
A little early for Halloween, isn't it? Wait, who am I kidding. It's never too early for Halloween.
MK's family hosted a murder mystery party for her birthday this year. I was Hamlet. Do you see the resemblance?
MK, I can't tell if you're getting ready to pop into the kitchen to bake cookies with that apron on, or if you're getting ready to do an autopsy on Ryan's mangled body. Either way you'd get messy, so the apron is appropriate. :)
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