
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Blessing of Rex Gotchy Mullen

Last Sunday Ryan blessed Rex. It was a tender moment for me, his mother, to watch. The blessing was beautiful and filled with wonderful promises. Dressed in his all white shorts-tuxedo, he couldn't have been more handsome. It's exciting to think about what's ahead for him. I'm gearing up for a whole new world of garbage trucks and back hoes, tools and dinosaurs. And that's just the start, I get to teach him how to ask a girl out on a date and how to open her car door smoothly. I'll be the proud mom at the Eagle court of Honor who smiles the biggest because I'll know how many times I had to remind him to call his merit badge counselor or start working on his project. Will he go out for the swim team like dad? Will he like music like mom? Will he keep us all laughing or tease his sisters until they cry? Will he be the kind of kid who gets himself up for seminary or will I have to bribe him with breakfast? Will he hug me even when he's a teenager? What's down the road for my little man?

Right now he is so tiny and innocent it's hard for me to imagine him ever being anything but perfect. I know there will be days he'll make me want to pull my hair out, but just looking at these pictures, he is so pure. I'll do my best Rex, to raise you right. To teach you how to be the best man you can be. If I can teach you to know and love your Savior, I think you'll be able to take it from there. For now, I'm going to kiss your smushy little cheeks as often as I can because although you are sealed to me forever, you won't always want me to kiss you. Especially in public.


sherrie bebe said...

He is adorable! I'm so jealous you got good pictures of him on his blessing day and with his cute sisters too! Didn't work out for us. I hope he is as sweet as he looks!

Katie said...

SO sweet Mary Karlee. Everything I thought when Cal was born but never bothered to write down. If you don't mind, I think I'll copy and paste this into his journal...

Alayne said...

What a sweet family you have! I adore him and I've never even met him :-)

S+S said...

Congrats! He is a cutey patooty!!! Did I know you were prego? Did I know you were having a boy! Congratulations!

Richards Fam said...

Your newest addition is so precious. Little boys are great. It sounds like you already have them figured out. We are in the truck, back-hoe and train phase now. Hope you all are well!