
Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to Eat a Sprinkle Donut

We live in the great day and age where you can learn just about anything by consulting the web.  Rex has a little something to share with the greater public.

How to Eat a Sprinkle Doughnut: An Online Tutorial

Step One


Here's a few other pictures from our doughnut run.

Annette's Blessing Day

Today we took Annette to church and Ryan gave her a name and a blessing.  It was a sweet blessing and we were grateful for our family and friends who came to be with us.  Here are some pictures of the day.

Most of the cousins in attendance

Rex thought he was riding a rollercoaster

Everybody loves a newborn!

Dessert Time!

Today's challenge: How many people can you fit in our tiny kitchen?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Year of the Baby

Stats for today
Number of Sick Kids: 2
Number of times Annette let me put her down without throwing a royal stink: 0
Times left the apartment on foot: 1
Times left the apartment by car: 0
Number of naps taken by Jenna : 3
Number of naps taken by Rex: 2
Number of naps taken by Mom: 1 
Phone conversations where I committed to begin potty training Rex today: 4
Actual potty training attempts: 0
Diapers changed: 10
Times Rex or Jenna coughed in or touched Annette's face: 27
Number of family members eating dinner at dinnertime: 2
Number of family members eating popcorn at dinnertime: 2
Dishes done: 0
Number of family members who showered and/or got dressed: 3 (unfortunately, I wasn't one of them)
Time spent cuddling sick kids or nursing baby on the couch: Priceless