Ryan and I like to have a little contest each Easter to see who can decorate the best Easter Egg. I won't say who won last year, but the winner pulled down the victory with a replica of the Texas State Flag. We would love your vote to name this year's victor. You can vote on the sidebar, poll closes on Wednesday. Here are the entries: (oh, and Marielle has one entry this year as well)

#2 front

#2 back

#3 front

#3 back

#4 front

#4 back



Please note that if MK wins, this will negate her loss in our NCAA bracket competition, and she will no longer have to play two games of Ultimate Frisbee alongside Ryan.
I vote number 4
Karisa votes #4, Dallas votes #1 and I vote #2.
I think #4 is gonna take the cake. That's some pretty impressive artistry right there.
Have to say I am impressed. I like #3 because it's BYU!
Just found your blog by blog stalking, hope you don't mind. I vote #4
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