Our annual passed to Disneyland expired on Friday. Being Sycamores*, we had to use them one last time. And since our last Disneyland surprise backfired when Marielle burst into tears because she thought we were driving to see Ben & Kimi in Utah, we gave our girls plenty of notice. Apparently too much notice:
- 7PM: Jenna cried when put her shoes in her suitcase. "On my feet. We go Disneyland."
- 1AM: Marielle woke up crying, "Is it time to leave? Did we miss it?"
- 7AM: We left Santa Barbara, 2 hours later than we'd planned. We set the alarm, but forgot to turn it on.
Despite, the tumultuous beginning, we had a fantastic day.
*Grandpa Sycamore, the progenitor of Sycamore genes, went twice the last week, once staying until 12:30am! And that was immediately after returning from a Disney cruise. There's no such thing as a Disney overdose for this guy.
(This post was written by Ryan nearly three years ago! I just found it in the drafts box and thought it was too funny to not post).