
Sunday, October 31, 2010


When Jenna woke up this morning, she headed straight for the kitchen and pulled a chair up to the counter so she could reach...

...the cookies.


Jeannie said...

Smart girl. Can't really blame her. Pumpkin pie is my usual breakfast the day after Thanksgiving, so I can relate...

Katie said...

Me too Jenna. Me. Too.

PS...BLUE pumpkins??

30 year-old Dad said...

Katie, it's kinda a long story. In short, this study* showed the orange die from traditional trick-or-treating pumpkins leaches into the candy and can impair a child's ability to learn. Blue dye is the color least likely to affect long-term brain function.


Katie said...

(I admit I was skeptical, until I read in the study that chocolate is good for you. Instant credibility!)